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It always has a beginning that never ends.
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Of Love, Kisses and Wallflowers. (Part1)

One Wallflower. Two Wallflowers. Three Wallflowers. Four.
Five Wallflowers. Six Wallflowers. Seven Wallflowers. Eight.
Nine Wallflowers. Ten.
And the story begins...

Let me tell you something about how I met my new favorite book and movie of all time through my ultimately favorite and one and only girl-crush actress of all time. (And I guess it'll gonna stay like that for a little while longer.) Don't expect me to include any part of the book nor of the movie here. I respect those who haven't seen or read the movie or book, respectively. And since I feel like writing a long story (for those who knows me, you can give an advice to those who don't. Haha!), you still have 5 seconds to decide whether to read it or not.

In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Okay fine. So you've decided to read. Don't worry. I'll try my very best not to OVERWRITE. Goodluck! :)

I've been an Emma Watson die-hard fan. And if you know me, you'll know how I am as a die-hard fan. Well, that's actually the opposite of being a real die-hard fan. I am quiet as a fan. Seldom do I make moves to show how I am as a fan. But one thing is for sure: once a fan, I'll always be a fan. So, what does this have to do with Wallflowers and my all-time favorite book and movie? Scroll down...

So, as I was saying, I've been checking out Em's projects, movies, etc. And I found out she was casted as one of the characters in the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Now you see the connection? Yeah, I know you were a bit lost at first. So do I.

Anyway. So. When I found out that she'll be playing some girl in a book-turned-into-a-movie movie, I searched for the book. And viola! I bought a copy for myself! Now let me tell you some reasons why I bought the book:
  1. Because Em will be playing Sam (one of the main characters in the book);
  2. Because it has a very, very, very interesting story; and,
  3. Because Em will be playing Sam.
(Did I mention I was a die-hard fan?)

When I started reading the book, it instantly caught my attention. The style of writing was not new to me. A diary, a teenager with coming-of-age problems. But how he (Stephen Chbosky) created a general view of the story and yet was able to work on the details of each and every character in the book, it was very alien to me; the plot, the characters, their own stories. Seldom do I encounter such book; a story that relates to all people of different experiences and views in life. One reader cannot say he or she will not be able to relate to at least one part of the story or to a character. And I was amazed by how I was able to relate to it. It's a book that speaks of what the youth go through in their teenage lives; their feelings put into words; their actions and emotions read by many people. Understood by many people. Thus, I commend Stephen for writing such a book. And I hope he does more of its kind. 

So, that's how I met my ultimate favorite book of all time. I was so happy I came upon this book. It'll be one hell of a precious book among my collection.

Since I met my favorite book through Em, I also waited for the movie to come. The first screening day was Sept. 26, 2012. TODAY. Waiting for it was the longest marathon of my life. The last time I had this feeling, I was waiting for each and every Harry Potter movie to hit the cinemas. Which also stars Em. Told you, I'm never really that showy as a die-hard fan. Haha!

The wait was over. I was able to catch the Last Full Show (LFS) of Perks on its first screening day. I watched alone as I often do that (in fact, it becomes a habit; I'm afraid it'll cost me something dearly in the future) and whenever I do, I always choose Trinoma because Taters has my favorite sour-cream fries and sugar-free lemonade. :)

Just a piece of advice to movie-goers loners:
If you are to choose a seat, choose the one next to a seat along the aisle. Why? It gives you a chance to meet someone new who is to seat between you and the aisle which means that someone is definitely alone. I guess you know what I mean. As for me, I was able to seat next to a gay and a guy. I'm in between them. And they are loners like me! See? Haha! I was able to react to the movie with them reacting all the same (reacting by ourselves, I mean.)

Like I said, I won't give any spoiler about the movie. I don't want to give the anti-spoiler people a headache. Besides, all I can say about the movie is: I. AM. SPEECHLESS.

I know this blog might sound boring. But I have to end it like this. I was just telling you how I was AMAZED by the book and the movie. One thing though: expect tears, laughters, sadness; family love, true friendship, heartbreaks, true love, kisses, and more kisses. But expect more from it, too. Because it can give you more than what you expect from a typical coming-of-age movie. It was all worth the four hours of waiting for the LFS. IT WAS ALL SO WORTH IT!!!

So, if you want to know the things I should be writing here next, then WATCH IT!!!

I even think I'm gonna watch it over and over and over again!!! :)))

Which means I won't be writing anything until the movie has been seen by many. I'll be writing about it after a week or two. Maybe by that time, you're able to write your own version of your Wallflower experience.

I have to stop before I lose control of myself and tell the whole experience. Haha!

Sorry guys.



  1. I really admire your writing skills Miss May, after reading your blog, I think I like to see the movie, and about watching movie alone, if I'm not mistaken, I did it 4 0r 5x :D

  2. Hahahha :) Thanks a lot. I know I write too much. It just comes in my head and then put thoughts into words. :)

    You should really watch it! :) And read the book! :)

    Hahahha yeah. Watching a movie alone is sometimes fun, too. :)
