Take a peek...

Life is a road.
It always has a beginning that never ends.
See the World as it is!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

At the Coffee Shop...

Sitting at the Coffee Shop. I see people. Probably students from private schools or from the establishments nearby. Or just some bystanders from somewhere else. But one thing is common in these people I see: Richness. You'll definitely be able to identify.. Oh, let me rephrase it. You can definitely identify these people as rich because of how they dress, how they talk, (when you try to eavesdrop, although eavesdropping is hardly necessary since they tend to talk loudly) or the way they look at you as if you're no better than them. And of course, the people here at the Coffee Shop (most of them, if not all, have their own laptops and using the shop's wi-fi).

Really, you'll never go wrong with these people especially if you came from the type of social status where I came from. What I'm trying to say is, if you try to stay in a coffee shop such as This and try to observe the people around you, you'll see what life shows you: that it is unfair. But is it? Is it really unfair?

When you first entered college, what is your first experience? Now, let me give you a scenario (because I'm sure, unless you write your own story, a simple and short statement will not be enough). You can try to put yourself in these two scenarios.

For example, you came from a rich family and you have all the means of entering and studying in a private school (say, La Salle or Ateneo) and buy everything you want (EVERYTHING!); or, what if fate has deprived you of wealth and you can hardly pay for your tuition fee. What do you think your experiences will be?

Probably, if you're the First Person, you'll be like the people I now see here at the Coffee Shop. If you're a rich kid, I'm quite sure you'll be speaking in English or in ST (Sossy Taglish). And of course, you'll also have your own laptop and expensive gadgets. You might even have a Blackberry or an iPhone4 or an iPad2. For sure you can pay your tuition fee on the exact date of enrollment or even in advance. You have a lot of money to go to a coffee shop like This or go to the mall and buy all the things you want to buy. (Am I exaggerating already? I guess not. Some can really be like the First Person anyway.)

So what if you're not like the First Person? What if you're the poor one? Probably you have to work to earn money for your tuition fee or probably you'll have to skip school and work to earn a living (Oooppss! I forgot. You're suppose to be a college student who is not rich. So let's stick to that.) So, you go to a State University with minimal tuition fee and yet you can barely pay for it. You still have to write promissory notes just so you can take your examinations. You don't have a Blackberry or an iPhone4 or an iPad2. You don't even have your own cellphone. You don't have your own laptop (probably not even a desktop) and you still have to go to computer shops for your school work. You speak Tagalog and you don't know how to speak in ST. Have you ever tried to go to a coffee shop like This? I guess not. Even if you want to, you'll probably think of saving your money than wasting it for pleasure.

So what's my point? Well, my point is, there are (according to our society), two types of social status: Rich and Poor. Yeah, they say there's still a Middle Class. But it's not what the society imposes. And that's not what I believe in.

I'm here at the same Coffee Shop where the Rich Kids go. But at the same time, I am writing this in a used notebook, using my over-used pen just like someone who can barely buy a new notebook and pen for herself. I do have a Blackberry but I don't have my own laptop. I don't have all the gadgets rich kids have. I can now pay for an expensive coffee but when I was a college student, I can barely buy my lunch. I have to work and study at the same time to finish my degree and help my family. And now that I was able to graduate from college, I have a job that can buy me clothes and foods I want. Sometimes just for pleasure.

You see, probably you started as poor or someone who has nothing but crumbs on her plate. (Oh, I'm exaggerating again. But it's true!) But you still have a choice of not following the status the society's imposing on you. You have the choice of not staying on That status. Basically, it starts with a CHOICE. So whether your life stays down or you pull yourself up, it's your choice. Whether you want to just be able to pass through the day or have some extra for some pleasure, it's your choice. Whether you will try and work as hard as you can for your own success or will settle for anything less, it's your choice. Everything is your choice. You decide for your future. So decide well.

Maybe next time you know, you'll probably be seating in the chair where I am seating right now, buying your own expensive coffee and have your own laptop, writing your own story.

Ciao! :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Experience with Frencheska Farr

June 20, 2010

Going to GMA.

Sunday at around 2 in the morning, I woke up with a fresh start. I knew I had to go to a very important place to meet a very important person in my life. I stood up, took my things downstairs (including the two books as my gifts), ate my breakfast and took a bath (of course!:p). Then I prepared myself for this special day like I'm preparing for my finals or board exam. I was so excited that I took a taxi going to GMA Network! It was raining cats and dogs! When I looked at my watch after I reached GMA, it's only 4 in the morning!:)

But that's really what I want to happen. To be there as early as I can. And indeed, my being early paid off!

I talked to the guards assigned there. Maybe they pitied me because it's raining so hard and I'm already waiting for that very important person that I want to meet. To my surprise, they allowed me to stay at the gate where the artists come in!:)
While I was at the gate, I was praying so hard to God that He may allow me to meet her even for at least a few minutes. I waited for her expecting that she would also pass that same gate. But someone informed me that she was already rehearsing inside. "Hmm.." I thought. "Then she must've went in using other entrance. That's ok for me. At least I know that she's already safe inside the studio.." Then, the time went by. I'm so excited to see her. Until someone helped me to get inside and finally meet her!

Frencheska Farr.

First picture with Frencheska Farr
She's the very first artist I saw in the dressing room where the lady led me. Wearing red jacket, miniskirt and black legins, she was preparing for the show, Party Pilipinas. Then, the lady who helped me (I forgot to ask for her name), talked to Cheska's mom, Ms. Melody Farr.

She introduced me to Ms. Melody. And I was surprised that she immediately accommodated me and talked to me. Parang kaibigan ang turing nya. She's very nice to me. Then, she introduced me to Cheska. But she's busy preparing for Party P. I understood that. She's an artist. Everything must be done in a quick but perfect manner. She finished preparing. But Ms. Melody never left me. She took my right hand and led me to the studio. And there, she told me to find a place for me to sit and watch the whole show. How sweet it is for Tita to do that! (I called her tita when I finally got the chance to talk to her and Cheska.:))

The Show.

I was able to watch the whole show, live! And it was a very fun and enjoyable experience! And Cheska's just a pro in singing. Wala akong masabi! She's a very good singer. And everytime she will come out of the stage, I will shout, "Go Frencheska!" The first time I shouted that, everyone looked at me because I didn't knew that that bench was for Richard G.'s fans. Haha!:)

The sweetest and nicest young lady I've ever met.
Her First Message for Me :D

I really enjoyed the show. And then, after the show, I went back to her dressing room. She was there preparing for another show that she must attend to. But after she's done, I was very surprised and starstrucked by what she did! She said hi and instead of just talking to me for a while, she invited me to sit and talk with her! OMG! I never thought I would get that closer to meeting her! All I prayed for is for at least a minute of seeing her but viola! I talked with her for at least 10 full minutes! OMG!:)

Frencheska is a very nice girl. Very, very nice. I never thought an artist can be that nice and accommodating. I was still starstrucked but then I told myself, "introduce yourself, introduce yourself!" And so, I introduced myself (although she seemed to remember the conversation I had with Tita and she remembered my name.:)). I gave her my gift (which includes two books) and she said, "wow! mahilig ako sa books. Mahilig talaga akong magbasa." And my heart was delighted to know that she appreciated my gift!
She talked to me and treated me like I'm a friend. I never felt awkward when we talked. What I only felt was happiness and gratitude for her "kabaitan". She's very kind and sweet young lady. We talked about the books I gave her and then we talked about some other things like the Emir movie. Then I asked for her autograph. And she wrote in my diary, indeed! I didn't told her it was my diary (probably when she read this, she will know.:)). That diary was one of the very important things in my life. And it is very important that she write her message for me there. I was surprised, again, when she wrote a quite long message. I thought, like the other artists, she will just write, "Godbless and take care!" with her signature. But she sincerely wrote her message for me in my own diary! OMG again! It was so overwhelming that I wasn't able to talk for a few seconds. Speechless!:)

Then, Cheska, Tita and I went to the basement parking because Cheska still has a show to attend to. Actually, I thought if I go with them down to the basement, I will know where is the exit. Para lang maihatid ko sila sa car nila. But when we reached the basement, I didn't know where to go. Haha!:) And I was, again and again, surprised by Cheska! She actually thought I would go with them! At least only up to the exit of the basement parking. But that was really amazing! Being able to ride in Cheska's car! Wow! And I was really amazed by her kindness!:)

The Experience.

Frencheska Farr is a very, very nice, kind and beautiful young lady. How she stands, how she talks, how she walks, how she laughs, she do it with poise and beauty. But despite of such characteristics, she never showed negative attitude. Instead, she only showed to me that she is indeed BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT!:)
A very kind and sweet young lady

My experience with Cheska made me feel that I am an important person. That someone finally noticed my existence. Like what I told her, I was never given the chance to prove that I AM SOMEONE. But when I met Cheska, the next big star and the star of Emir, she made me feel that finally, I AM SOMEONE.

To Tita Melody and Cheska, thank you very much for everything! I will never, ever forget this day! And I hope, someday, I'll also be able to sing and dance my heart out for the two of you.:)

I'll always include you guys in my prayers. Thank you very much, always take care and Godbless!:)

The Quirino Experience...

January 10, 2008

I just came from St. Scholastica's College for some business when I decided to eat at Mcdo-Quirino. Since it was just a couple of blocks from La Salle, I've decided to walk. Then I saw this man.  He can't walk. He was asking some help from me.He was asking for money, food, whatever he can get to ease his hunger. When I looked at my wallet, I said, "Shocks, wala akong barya.." Then I remembered that I have an "ensaymada" in my bag. And so I've decided to give the food to him.

Then a thought came to my mind after the incident. I thought what I did was right. Give the man food instead of money. At least he doesn't have to go to the store and buy food for himself. It would be more difficult for him if he still has to do the buying.

Just a thought: in life, we cannot always give someone what they ask for in order to show that we really want to help them. Sometimes, we have to think of the best way on helping them out. Don't settle for anything less in giving help to those in need.

When Goodbye Seems Endless...


The word I hate the most. But too often used by people we hate; people we love; people we just met once; people we lived with for almost the rest of our lives; people we never thought would leave; people we hold on to for no one knows how long; people like Ate Kristel.. I don’t know much about Ate Kristel. I only met her once when I came to Ate Melai’s birthday party, almost two years ago. But what I know is this: she loves her family, she loves everyone who loves her, and she wouldn’t have left them without good memories to remember. I can only speak of little knowledge about who Ate Kristel is. So maybe I can just say something about her sister, Ate Melai, who is a very close friend of mine..
I met Ate Melai while I was working at PNU-DOST office as a Student-Assistant. I immediately became close to her because she is so kind and friendly. We became so close that I treat her as a sister. When she graduated ahead of me, I cried because, as I said, I hate Goodbyes. I knew after their graduation, a lot will change. And indeed, a lot has changed since.. We still see each other every Christmas party at the office where I work. Even after I graduated, we still attend the same party. It’s the only time of the year when we can bond together. We also see each other besides that occasion but it had been difficult for us to arrange our schedules on a date that we’re both free. So we take the chance of seeing each other at that party. However, last year, I wasn’t able to catch her because I came late at the party. It was sad not to see my dearest friend. We’ve tried to schedule a date with each other but it never materialized. “Maybe,” I thought. “It was me who has changed. I have added other priorities that I wasn’t able to find time for her.” I never thought we would finally meet again. But in such a tragic situation.. I took half of my day today to pay a visit at the wake of her sister. I would have came with two DPS professors who are also friends of Ate Melai but they got to do something so they just sent Ate Melai their condolences. I texted a friend, Ian (who, by the way, is the boyfriend of my bestfriend, Sarah) to come with me to the wake. As we were on the road, I thought of how should I react in case Ate Melai comes to me with tears in her eyes. But I was surprised that instead of tears, I saw a small curve from her lips which seem to say, “I’m okay..”. That smile gave me hope and the assurance that she’s trying to be strong. I hugged her, letting her know that I’m there for her. That I was sorry this has to happen before we can finally see each other. That “I am finally here..” We sat down. I never thought Ate Melai can be that strong. And I admire her so much for that bravery she showed us. She smiled, laughed, told stories about her sister. I couldn’t have done that if I was in her position. But she has shown that no matter how devastating it was, she has to be strong, not just for herself but for her family who counts on her. I’ve seen in her eyes the longing to be with her sister, alive. I’ve seen the sadness and the grief that is hidden by her every smiles. I’ve seen how much she’s trying to cope up with all of these things. But I’ve also seen the courage to face these things and the hope that one day, they’ll be okay again..
After we’ve talked, we went home. I thought, God has plans for everyone. For us. He has reasons why things like this happen. Reasons that are beyond what our minds can fathom. Reason that are beyond our mere understanding. But I also believe, that whatever those reasons are, we need to have faith that these are all for our own good. That these things happen for our sake. May it be for us to know how precious our family is or may it be for us to know how to cherish our loved ones. No matter what these are for, we need to have Faith in Him.. Goodbye is the word I hate the most. But too often used by people we hate; people we love; people we just met once; people we lived with for almost the rest of our lives; people we never thought would leave; people we hold on to for no one knows how long.. But as much as I hate goodbyes, I know and I have faith that it can also mean a Hello.. A new beginning for what has been ended.. A new life.. For whatever it may mean, the only thing that I can think of right now is this: LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST AND LET THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE KNOW HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THEM.. We can never stop goodbye from coming out of our lips.. But at least it gives the assurance that no matter how long you’ll be gone, what is important is you stayed in their hearts..